Okay, enough with the "K" words...I mean it!
Last week I was fortunate enough to be included in a week-long K-LOVE cruise that featured 20 or so comedians who were filming a DVD on the ship. (Okay, I'm married to one of 'em...but he was sitting across from me at the table so unfortunately he's not in this shot.) It was an awesome time of high seas adventure, "killer" comedy shows, and just generally hanging out with some great people.
Down side?
The blonde on the right got, well...seasick!
Not tossing-your-cookies sick (thank heaven), but "why-is-the-room-still-rockin'-back-and-forth-three-days-after-I-left-the-ship" sick. Looking back, I can see that I was actually seasick the whole time--I just didn't recognize it because I wasn't actually feeling nauseous. (Which, by the way, was a minor miracle. This was the first cruise I've ever heard of where the food was mediocre at best...and THAT'S being generous!)
That said, let me just say...STOP THE BOAT, I WANNA GET OFF! THIS DIZZINESS IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! If there was an actual earthquake, I wouldn't know the difference. To me, it constantly feels like the earth is shifting beneath my feet.
On the "bright" side, maybe it's for the best--we're going on a second "working cruise" in less than a week, so maybe I'll adjust better (or worse?) to the high seas the second time around.
Either way, I can only hope the food is better...or my usually cast-iron stomach may end up tossing a cookie or two after all!
Last week I was fortunate enough to be included in a week-long K-LOVE cruise that featured 20 or so comedians who were filming a DVD on the ship. (Okay, I'm married to one of 'em...but he was sitting across from me at the table so unfortunately he's not in this shot.) It was an awesome time of high seas adventure, "killer" comedy shows, and just generally hanging out with some great people.
Down side?
The blonde on the right got, well...seasick!
Not tossing-your-cookies sick (thank heaven), but "why-is-the-room-still-rockin'-back-and-forth-three-days-after-I-left-the-ship" sick. Looking back, I can see that I was actually seasick the whole time--I just didn't recognize it because I wasn't actually feeling nauseous. (Which, by the way, was a minor miracle. This was the first cruise I've ever heard of where the food was mediocre at best...and THAT'S being generous!)
That said, let me just say...STOP THE BOAT, I WANNA GET OFF! THIS DIZZINESS IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! If there was an actual earthquake, I wouldn't know the difference. To me, it constantly feels like the earth is shifting beneath my feet.
On the "bright" side, maybe it's for the best--we're going on a second "working cruise" in less than a week, so maybe I'll adjust better (or worse?) to the high seas the second time around.
Either way, I can only hope the food is better...or my usually cast-iron stomach may end up tossing a cookie or two after all!
Hey Kim!
So what else has been happening since Feb. 4?
So you're on to me...I haven't even been checking my blog for QUITE some time!!! Guess that's what happens when you're a newbie blogger and THEN you start writing a book. Now that the book's finally done (woo-hoo!) maybe there'll be a few more updates on the old (new?) blog.
Thank you, faithful reader!
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